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Do you have a pageram in you?


We will be accepting submissions from 1st October 2010. If you think you have a pageram in you then we’d be happy to take a look. But, first of all, make sure that you know what you are letting yourself in for.



1) You must have a good story.

2) You must assert that you own the copyright on all text and images that you submit and that you accept the terms and conditions of submission.

3) The story or any part of it must not be available from any source other than directly from you, i.e. it must not be publicly available via any publishing medium.



4) Don’t be tempted to add passages to your work purely so that you can add a ram. The opportunities for rams should arise naturally.

5) Occasionally a page will not offer any natural opportunities for a ram – don’t worry. This is particularly so when a page is rich in dialogue. Also, there may be occasions when you don’t wish to interrupt suspense.

6) If you have a high proportion of pages that offer no opportunities for rams, then your work may not be suitable for ramming. That’s life.

7) A ram should be easy to write because it’s a natural addition to the story. It’s an opportunity for you to share some of the back story and thoughts that you have had about your characters. If you don’t find them easy to write, then pageramming may not be for you.

8) If you’ve got to here, well done, you are still on board.

9) Finally, keep rams brief and do not be tempted to “product place”. It will distract readers and annoy us, so we won’t read any further.



You need to prepare -


1) Document 1 - A Word document containing the first three chapters (or a maximum of 8,000 words). The first chapter should include the locations of rams. These should be indicated using the footnote feature within Word.


2) Document 2 - A Word document containing your rams. Each ram should be on a new page that should correspond with the footnote number, e.g. ram number three in the main story should be on page 3 of this second document. Include photos and links such as those for YouTube.


Look at our examples of Document 1 and Document 2 (available 1st October 2010) and use them as templates for your submission.


When you are happy with your submission, and when it is as good as it can be, go to the submission form which will be available from 1st October 2010



pageram is a trade mark

pageram is a trade mark of Cooper Repco Ltd and should not be used to describe any publication on any site other than those owned by Cooper Repco Ltd unless written permission from Cooper Repco Ltd is given.

“If I can write 80,000 words plus rams, I’m sure that you can too. Go on. You can start with a short story if you would prefer.”
